понедельник, 8 сентября 2014 г.


Tell us what his **. ** sometimes has a nice smell 
and people like to give ** as a gift for special occasions.

Julie is 14 years old. She lives in Hawaii with her parents and
her grandfather. Every morning they all have a breakfast together.
One Saturday morning, he *** did not eat breakfast with
Them. Julie asked, "Where is Gran?" Her mother said "He
went to buy a ticket. He is going for *** this summer,"

Конечно я не одна такая бесполезная.
Даже мэм нашла, лул:
Julie is 19 years old. She lives in Hawaii with her parents and her grandfather. Every morning they all have breakfast together. On Saturnday mornging her mother did not eat breakfast with them. Julie asked "What's wrong?". Her mother got scared and said: "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

Искать пасхалки на школьной доске к-она - не самое лучшее занятие.
А вообще, это текст из учебника английского языка, принадлежащего общему центру обучения Иваты.

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