четверг, 23 марта 2017 г.

Ну, звучит и правда страшно и пугающе, но статистика действительно помогает нам во многих областях.
В каком-то смысле это проблема компьютеризации/роботизации работы, которую раньше выполняли люди. Конечно, даже в этом случае ни о какой полной компьютеризации речи идти не может.
Since the primary goal of the system is prevention, it will be some time before results can be seen. However, Kyoto had gotten the idea from a project in Santa Cruz, California, which has used a similar system for years and has reported a 20-percent reduction in crime.

There is no magic to this predictive system, however, as it just analyses tens of thousands of past crime reports and calculates when and where certain types of crime tend to happen. Still, this hasn’t stopped netizens from debating which dystopian sci-fi classic the Predictive Crime Defense System most closely resembles.

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