понедельник, 10 апреля 2017 г.

Food as medicine(ENG)

Watch Janeane discuss how food can contribute to disease prevention, as well as health and wellbeing.
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В видео другая "религия", но в последнее время видела много видео в поддержку того, что веганство - самая естественная диета, и что жиры и мясо вообще опасны для человека.
Я буду есть больше немясного, но веганство звучит слишком о_о Да и для веганства надо будет готовить отдельно и смотреть рецепты. Занимает много времени. Наверное, поэтому люди говорят, что веганство - это сложно. С другой стороны, я всё равно гуглю приличное количество времени, чтобы найти невеганский/любой рецепт, который подойдёт для семейного ужина. Я просто бака, наверное.

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Phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients, are naturally occurring plant chemicals that can have protective qualities for human health. Plants produce these chemicals to help protect themselves, for example by making the plant unattractive to insect pests. They also provide the plant with its colour, flavour and smell.
Using foods to reduce inflammation is an area of nutrition that many are interested in; public, nutrition researchers and healthcare professionals alike.
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Chronic inflammation, an inflammatory state that continues and which does not resolve, develops in many disease states. Here we will discuss the example of chronic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.

And children who are overweight and have been overweight for a long time will often say they either always feel hungry or they never feel hungry. They simply eat, because food's in front of them, or there's seemingly a right time to eat.

Food in Westernised societies is now plentiful, affordable and always all around us.
While again the results are very interesting, there are many reasons why it might not be helpful for you to apply to your diet:

We’ve compiled a list of resources for those who want to dedicate more time and continue to explore the science of food as medicine.

Thank you to all the academics, whose contributions have made ‘Food as Medicine’ a reality.

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