понедельник, 24 апреля 2017 г.


На матче 1954 года Венгрии против Шотландии, шотландской команде пришлось надеть белые рукава на игру, потому что на чёрно-белом телевидении тех времён красный цвет формы венгерских футболистов нельзя было отличить от синего цвета формы шотландской команды.
And beside me is a football shirt from 1954. It was an important game, Scotland against a very famous team, the Hungarians, of that period lead by Puskas.

Such a big game that television was quite keen to cover the match. But even at that time, because it was in black and white, because the Hungarians wore red and Scotland wore blue, you couldn't tell the difference between the two teams because it was being recorded in black and white footage. And so, the Scotland national team had to wear white sleeves during that game.

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