вторник, 5 марта 2019 г.

Стою с цветочками как лох, но на большее не было времени :D

Here is another Board Spotlight! Any of the roles caught your eye? Foodsharing Copenhagen has 9 positions in total. Chairperson, Vicechairperson, Volunteer management, Administration and Finance, Marketing and Social Media, two Collection positions and two of Event Management. This time presenting: Bakery collection Administration and Finance Marketing and Social Media Bakery collection: Ensuring communication with bakeries, organizing Collection workshops together with Market Collection Board member, empowering Collection leaders! Administration and Finance: Overseeing the bank account, coin management and transparency of all the operation as well as fundraising and legal affairs Marketing and Social Media: Monitors the social medias, creates content and posters, maintains the marketing strategy and responsible for the creating of media materials! Stay tuned for more posts about the positions! You can always check them out on our website - link in bio🍞🍩🍰 #foodsharingcph #nosuchthingaswaste #foodsharingactivists #decisionmaking #calltoaction #election #foodsharingrevolution
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